In listening to the current debate over the nukular option (note the proper Presidential spelling), it is obvious to all that this will be the issue which leads to the next Supreme Court Nominee. The Democrats and the progressive movement on a whole, has been far to reactive, and although I think that it will be necessary to direct our attention at the task at hand. I feel that we must also think a few steps ahead.
The Cons make a big deal over how well qualified these nominees are, and when it comes time to make a SCOTUS appointment, will probably look for someone a little to the right of Atilla the Hun. What can the Senate Democrats, and the party on a whole do about this. Beat them to the punch. Develop a list of SC nominees, Republican, moderates, even a couple of somewhat less repugnant conservatives who although we may not personally care for, are not the political equivalent of nominating James Dobson himself to the SC. We know that they are out there, after all 200 of Bush's nominees from the last four years have already been nominated. This list should be made in good-faith with judges which the Republicans would have a hard time saying No to, though I'm sure that the wing-nuts will complain about the Legislative stepping on the Executive's toes, strangely when it's the President butting into the Senate its okay, but I digress.
So am I living in a dream world or is this something which could conceivabley gain traction? I'm not suggesting that this is acted upon now, but rather another card to be played when the time is right.