Synopsis of the Straw memo
This memo outlines the need for legal grounds to invade Iraq that would delineate it from Iran and North Korea.
The Straw memo points out that the threat level of Iraq to it's neighbors before 9/11 did not warrant invasion. However after 9/11 the tolerance of repressive regimes in the world made the case for regime change an easier case to make.
Two significant problems however occurred. Regime change alone could not legally justify a major ground invasion. Also Bush had now linked Iraq, Iran and North Korea as evil states in which of the 3 Iraq posed the least threat.
The Straw Memo tells how by using the UN Resolutions to make Iraq non compliant this could be used as legal cover. To make sure that Iraq was non compliant and in Breach a new resolution would be needed that Saddam would or could not comply to.
To get a new Resolution it was suggested that Saddam had covertly re-institute WMD production to the point where he now had a substantial arsenal of WMDs. The fact that Saddam was in flagrant breach of International law and UNSC was the core strategy demanding the readmission of Weapons Inspectors. Under Cheney's suggestion, these inspectors this time would be free and unfettered. This was something that was thought Saddam would not agree to.
Conclusion: Under the legal cover of searching for WMDs Saddam could be found in breach of UN resolutions in 2 ways. Not showing proof of destruction of these WMDs or not allowing the weapons inspectors in without restraint.
Once Saddam was in breach a land invasion would be justified to destroy the WMDs, but more importantly to secure regime change. This strategy also DE-coupled Iraq from Iran and North Korea.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.
- $1,751,132,130,359 Social Security Trust Fund
- $7,805,708,317,936 The Gross National Debt