Rove strategy is in full swing today with President Bush exclaiming, ALL OF A SUDDEN, that "all options are on the table" to prevent Iran from developing atomic weapons, including a nuclear strike.
Of course he has provided zero, nil, NONE, nada evidence that Iran is pursuing a nukular WEAPON program. Iran has admitted to a nuclear POWER program.
Whatever. It doesn't matter. Iran is 10 years away from creating nuclear weapons or 5 at best. It might have been worthwhile to pressure North Korea when Bush first got into office before they got nukes to sell to terrorists but NO, he had to go on an adventure in Iraq so that he looked like a big boy.
And while it would be nice for Iran to stop enriching teaspoonful amounts of uranium, none of this press about Iran has ANYTHING to do with stopping the weapons program. Talking to Iran would do that... maybe... but we're not talking to them, so THIS IS ABOUT ELECTION 2006, Karl Rove and Scooter outing Valerie Plame, domestic spying on political opponents, and wagging the dog in general as a distraction to all that.
Bush parroting Rove talking point:
"We want to solve this issue diplomatically and we're working hard to do so," Bush told reporters in the Rose Garden.
Bush parroting Rove talking point, this time with the "scare middle America" / "I'm a crotch rocket flight suit mission accomplished big boy" approach:
Bush was asked if his administration was planning for the possibility of a nuclear strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.
"All options are on the table," he said.
But, the president added: "We'll continue to work diplomatically to get this problem solved."
Of course the imbecile Cheney will soon start talking about mushroom clouds and plastic over the windows. Any day now.
And it's not just Republicans, per Raw Story; our always-, also-politicking Dems are getting in on the nukular bandwagon, fucking idiots (can you say "time for a THIRD PARTY"). MAN, this fucking pisses me off:
...not even ...Nancy Pelosi has ruled out the possibility of using nuclear weapons, keeping "all options" on the table, an aide said.