Turnout 154 voters-not including internet/mail voters (pop 7k, republican area)
Kerry 55%
Dean 16%
Edwards 14%- out of delegate count.
Heavy turn out early. Tapered off in afternoon
Dean calling volume was intense over the past few days. Some got Kerry robo call. Clark supporter worked county.
State Dems have some serious work to do if they want to be considered ready for prime time. See reports of Detroit polling problems. In polling place south of us, the restaurant/polling place said they would open an hour after the official start time.
The grumbling from me and other candidate supporters is largely due to the fact that the entire democratic establishment has come out for Kerry and yet they can't seem to get it together to run an election (see early reports of delays on getting internet/mail ballots out, etc). Yeah, it affects Kerry voters too, but my guess is that there aren't going to be problems in strong Kerry areas.
In the internet precinct, Kerry's co-chairs sent out a letter encouraging everybody to delay voting until today while Dean and Gep encouraged everyone to vote early. Strangely, mail/internet ballots were sent bulk mail resulting in 2 wk delays and no forwarding to snowbirds...