First, The O.C. Last night it was on. Some friends have turned it into a weekly thing. It is the funnest hour on television. And for a while, Adam Brody was the luckiest guy on TV, with Samaire Armstrong (Anna) on one arm and Rachel Bilson (Summer) on the other. But now, Anna is gone (sniff sniff). At least for now. So, in memory of that damn fine girl, a diary that many from Orange County should be familiar with, housing prices. Oh, and if there are any O.C. screenwriters out there, please please please, kill the Luke and Julie storyline. It sucks. Oh and no more fights that end up in the buffet for at least six months. Thank you, and on with the diary.
Where is the inflation? Even since gold crossed $360, I've been a little but of an inflation worrier. When it hit $425, I was more than just worried, I was then just wondering how long until prices start moving up from the falling dollar. Now, with gold back down to $390, I've cooled off a little. I'm still waiting for some inflation to come down the path, but not as much as I expected earlier.