Rush Limbaugh attacks Katrina vanden Heuvel with tried old rhetoric from the right. He calls her a communist! lol Then he even goes even lower in this 3rd grade mind and calls her husband, a communist.
Recently, I wrote in this space about data showing that single women were more likely to be Democratic voters than married women, and I joked that this was another reason not to get married. Now, I do know that it's the nature of our political culture today that if a progressive, even a happily married one (16 years), makes a joke like that some right-wing blowhard is going to distort it for the sake of scoring cheap partisan points. So it wasn't a surprise that Rush Limbaugh, the grandaddy distorter of them all, stepped up to the plate to take a whack. But what did surprise me is that he took the opportunity not only to attack me but also my husband. Here's what he said:
"Now, The Nation is one of our favorite publications here, the far left fringe publication of the liberal journal of opinion that is edited by well known communist named Katrina vanden Heuvel whose husband is a well known communist at Columbia. Well, I use the term advisedly. Stephen Cohen's his name."
Come on Rush, we expect more from you. We are in 2000`s, not the 1970's, calling someone a communist is so old. All of your friends are calling people
Terrorsit now. Let him help you out and look in a dictionary and define, Communist, Liberalism, and Conservatism for you.
The Definition of Communism.
- A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
- Communism
a. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
b. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.
The Definition of Liberalism.
1. The state or quality of being liberal.
a. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.
b. often Liberalism The tenets or policies of a Liberal party.
- An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.
- Liberalism
a. 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.
b. 19th-century Roman Catholic movement that favored political democracy and ecclesiastical reform but was theologically orthodox.
The Definition of Conservatism.
- The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
- A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order.
- Conservatism The principles and policies of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or of the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada.
- Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook.