CNN has really stooped to find guests this week. Pat Robertson, who even some of my wingnuttiest friends seem to think is way off the reservation had a weird conversation with Leslie this morning. Absolutely nutty.
More on the flip...
- Says that the Pakistani earthquake is a possible sign of the end times.
- Takes a very interesting postion re: Roe V Wade. He contends that even if Roe V Wade disappears tomorrow, it still will have to be dealt with in the state legislatures where it should have been dealt with in the first place. Then, he goes on and says, quote, Abortion is a personal choice
- Accused Hugo Chavez of giving1-1.2 million dollars to Osama Bin Ladin right after 9/11, of sending support to Carlos the Jackel, ally of Moamar Qadafi, and additionally accused Chavez of being in negotiations with Iran to obtain nuclear materials. How that squares with Robertsons subsequent assertion that Chavez is attempting to establish a Marxist dictatorship in Venezuela is beyond me, considering that by definition a Marxist dictatorship would have to be atheistic, which would be anathema to his new found buddies Osama and the Mullahs in Iran...
Robertson is definitely off his meds. Why CNN even brought him on the air to spout his bizarre views is beyond me...