is what I'm suggesting AS A PROGRESSIVE.
My suggestion for a talking point is to use Rove's own "Liberals called for therapy" crap and persist on the "OBVIOUS LACK OF MENTAL HEALTH" in the members of this Administration! They all have borderline personalities and some have GONE OVER to the psychotic side, like Rove.
Follow the break...
How do you stop compulsive liars and masters of denial?? I believe I am appealing to anyone from the mental health field who post here for their "diagnosis". I have no doubt that you will be more spot on than that idiot, Frist.
We have PROOF that there IS a CONSTITUTION and this Administration pretends they don't know it EXISTS, much less that it APPLIES to them. Checks and balances, anyone, does anyone know where we can find some checks and balances for this country???
I apologize for my emotional outburst and my tone, especially for my first diary, but I'm soooo rageful over this horror of a government we have right now. I have taken to re-reading Heart of Darkness and watching Apocalypse Now. Subtlety and subversiveness do not a civilized man/woman make you, George W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove, et al.
They make you EVIL.
Maybe if we let them off the hook via the lack of mental health route and tell them that we understand how hard it is to be them, and hold their hands as we walk them towards the exit, they will step down and hand the mess that is over to the adults to clean up.