The President and the Republican Party have become the party of "Don't Say No To Me"
Nowhere is this more clear than their refusal to compromise in any way on the President's judicial appointments. Although Democrats have confirmed 95% of Bush's nominees they are not content with that. They must have their way 100% of the time.
Who in their right mind would not be happy getting their way 100% of the time, except for a spoiled rotten child having a temper tantrum. A reminder that our President is not a Texan but was born into elitist wealth on the East Coast with a large silver spoon in his mouth.
In these dangerous times ahead, when the Senate is following the Presidents lead, by becoming the spoiled party of "Don't Say No to Me", they are working hard at starting a war in Congress over judicial nominations. Clearly this is not a bipartisan effort when Senator Frist refuses any compromise by the Democrats and offers up one of the most extremists judges for appointment, Priscilla Owens. She has already received a vote on the floor and was rejected once as an extremist who doesn't even believe in zoning laws.
And while the Republicans try to paint the Democrats as "obstructionists", I would suggest that it is the Republicans who have the problem. They claim to want bipartisanship, yet refuse to compromise on anything. The scary thing is that Republican lobbyists are threatening to pull financial support from any Republican Senator who doesn't do their bidding and vote on these extremist nominess. The point is to change the laws of commerce and give huge corporations an even further advantage.
Why not just do away with Congress and the Constitution altogether. The President and his army of soldiers who refuse to be told "No" on anything. That way the party of "Don't Say No to Me" could have their way all day every day. Never mind the interests of the American people whom they are supposed to be representing.
I offer this up as a way of reframing the Republican argument that Democrats are obstructionists and the party of no. If you saw a bulldozer coming towards your house of course you would say No. In fact you would scream No.
As we see bipartisanship in Congress on the rise, I just want to remind you all that
the Republicans have become the party of
"Don't Say No to Me"