Of course, he doesn't know how to do anything EXCEPT spin, but this little quote really ticked me off...
"They're looking on your TV screen and seeing indiscriminate bombings, where thousands of innocent -- or hundreds of innocent Iraqis are getting killed ..." But Bush said those pictures do not reflect that 15 of Iraq's 18 provinces are relatively stable and that small businesses are starting up.
So, there's a lot of bombing going on, but hey! Let's instead look over here at the places where things aren't bad!
Can you imagine what the outrage would be if......
"They're looking on their TV screens and seeing attacks where thousands of innocents are being killed. But hey, 47 of the 50 states didn't get attacked, so this really doesn't reflect how great things are going today."
- Some news person
September 11, 2001
They wouldn't be able to find a tree tall enough to hang the person who said that....but yet, this is exactly what Bush is saying about Iraq. Never mind the bombings, things are great everywhere else!
No, Bush...we are not safer and Iraq is not safer. Stop the spinning and admit at least one mistake in your pathetic miserable failure of a life.