Dear Chairman Dean,
I am greatly disappointed in your response to the call for censure, from Senator Feingold. I expect more out of you. Senator Feingold is stepping out on a limb as you have done many times in the past. Do not leave him alone, get out there in the public and support him.
I have supported you since your run for the Presidency because of your virtue and statesman like stances. Even more so now due to your great leadership in rebuilding the Democratic party with the 50 state strategy. Please do not become a "Politician" now. it is not enough to defend Senator Feingold's patriotism you should at the minimum be supporting the call for a censure if not impeachment. The President has openly and blatantly admitted to a violation of federal law and has continued to thumb his nose at anyone who challenges him on this. We are a nation of laws and I am in favor of once again proving that the President should not be allowed to violate the law. We as Democrats should be demanding that the President be held accountable.