Oh my God. Why not just hire Andrew Card.
This is unbelievable. This guy is a GOP operative. Obviously in response to the
Froomkin flap...but this guy is definitely NOT a Froomkin.
Today, the Post launched the result: A new blog called "Red America," created by Ben Domenech, co-founder of RedState, a popular community blog.
It immediately set off what Post political reporter Tom Edsall called a "firestorm" in his online chat today.
A former contributing editor to National Review Online, Domenech later became what he calls "the youngest political appointee of President George W. Bush." After a stint as chief speechwriter for Senator John Cornyn (D[sic]-Tx.), he co-founded RedState.org and became a book editor at Regnery Publishing, where he worked with Michelle Malkin and others.
David Brock, director of the liberal Media Matters watchdog group, quickly declared that while Domenech is primarily a partisan, Froomkin has spent a decade at the Post, and also worked for the Winston-Salem Journal, the Miami Herald and the Orange County Register. Froomkin is also deputy editor of niemanwatchdog.org, the web site of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.
Here is a taste of what we can expect from this hack:
"This is a blog for the majority of Americans... Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner and Hillary Clinton are not alone in recognizing that the unhinged elements of their base, motivated by partisan rage, Michael Moore conspiracies and a pronounced feeling of victimhood have dragged down the Democratic Party for far too long ...Red America's citizens are the political majority. They're here to stay. It's time to start paying attention to what they believe and why."
Is America just nuts? is the WaPo soft in the head? Am I dreaming? Everything is spinning around.....BLECH.....