Heath Care Now!:
On June 7th, events across the country will celebrate the fact that we have a bill in Congress, H.R. 676 that will deal equitably with the healthcare crisis for all of us. We are encouraging everyone to join us in these events by organizing one or joining one already organized in your city or area.
ORGANIZE AN EVENT --So, on June 7th, we are encouraging all healthcare activists to organize an event: a press conference; a demonstration in front of an insurance company; a screening of our new animated film "Don't Be a Chicken" explaining the issue in an entertaining way; distribution of information at a local ball game (the people in Seattle plan to leaflet the Mariners' game together with the Raging Grannies); the display of 676 national healthcare banners along highways and bridges ; invitation to speakers and organizing of Learn-ins about the healthcare crisis and how it can be solved; holding a concert, or a Citizen/Congressional Hearing where people can talk to their members of Congress.
More ideas and info below....
WHAT YOU CAN DO ON WEDNESDAY --June 7th is a Wednesday so it is a good day to get your City Council to vote for a resolution in support of John Conyers' (and 68 co-sponsors') National Health Insurance Act, Medicare for All, H.R. 676 and have a big press statement about it on the steps of City Hall. Healthcare NOW Activists in Delaware, New York Atlanta and other places are planning to do that. June 7th is a good time to visit your Congress Members' regional offices.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ON WEEKENDS -- On the weekends before and after June 7th you can distribute literature in your churches and synagogues and ask them to make a statement in support of H.R. 676. Their moral value and scriptural statements on the healthcare crisis are critical. Alfredo: this text is changed: See draft resolution in tools. A petition picnic in the park would be good too.
CANDIDATE FORUMS -- The weekends are also good times for inviting your Members of Congress and their opponents to a candidate forum to talk about the issue and to gauge their support for H.R. 676 We want to elect a NEW, HEALTHIER CONGRESS this fall! Now is the time to find out who they are.
TAKE RESOLUTIONS in support of H.R. 676 to your unions, your national bodies, your national assemblies, conventions and judicatories for action as we move into this critical decision-making time for our country.
MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE including bumper stickers, city council resolutions, a copy of the bill and the impressive lists of supporters including more than 100 union endorsers and 69 Members of Congress who have signed on. We will also do a national press release. Please call our office, 212-475-8350 to get a packet and to report to us the activities you are planning or to order the new film dvd. Youu can also email your information to info@healthcare-NOW.org. Please include your full mailing address, zip and phone number along with $20 in overnight shipping charges to receive the dvd by June 6th.
WE NEED TO KNOW YOUR PLANS -- We will have a calendar of events in this space next week. Your plans and your contact information should be here. There will be lots of events, and we want to ensure that they will be successful and fruitful in bringing us closer to a national single payer healthcare system by the end of 2009.
We have a constantly updated list of events already being planned and some materials you might use.
Template for Your Own Press Release
Be sure to mention Healthcare-NOW so it is clear that this is a national campaign.
Recommendation from our Media Adviser:
"If you post/ release your 676 release now you are under-cutting your release on June 4 or 5; if released now, it will be considered "old news" by June. An alternative will be to send out an Advisory to media a couple of weeks before 676, and follow up with a press release on June 5."
Press Release:
Healthcare-NOW! Takes Single Payer Campaign Nationwide!
It's Time for Universal Healthcare...
Citizens in 90 Cities Spread the Messsage: "Everybody In, Nobody Out!"
City, State - New York, NY Apr 30, 2006 Healthcare-NOW! announced today that it will launch a three year nationwide campaign in support of U.S. House Bill 676, sponsored by Congressman John Conyers, which would establish a single payer system of universal health care for all Americans. A wide variety of actions will take place in over 90 cities.
National Organization Reveals Solution to America's Healthcare Crisis...
The bill in Congress, HR 676, is supported by 69 members of the House of Representatives. The United States National Health Insurance Act is also described as Enhanced and Improved Medicare for All Americans.
"We believe healthcare for everyone in the United States can be achieved within the next three years if people vote for healthcare in the coming Congressional elections. Healthcare for everybody is achievable by 2009 as this movement continues to grow and people begin to understand the issue," said Marilyn Clement, National Coordinator of Healthcare- NOW!.
"The Massachusetts plan is deceptive, punitive, and a disaster in waiting. Single Payer universal health care is the real solution, not misleading shell games that force the uninsured to further enrich insurance companies" said John Horgan, a Massachusetts electrical worker. "The insurance companies want to mandate more money out of our pockets in exchange for stripped down health policies."
On June 7th, 6/7/6 events across the country will celebrate the fact that we have a bill in Congress, H.R. 676 that will deal equitably with the healthcare crisis for all of us. Businesses and workers and their families will all benefit.
Says, Jim Winkler, National Co-Chair of the Campaign and General Secretary of the United Methodist Board of Church and Society, "We believe that healthcare is a human right. Everybody should be covered . A single payer system is what we need. It will cost a lot less per capita than the Massachusetts plan and everybody will get comprehensive coverage because billions in administrative duplication by hundreds of insurance companies will be eliminated."
For more information on the plans for winning a national healthcare system during the next three years or to find out who is organizing in your region, contact Healthcare-NOW!.
About Healthcare-NOW!:
339 Lafeyette Street, New York, NY 10012
Website: http://www.healthcare-now.org/
E-mail: info [at] healthcare-now.org
All Rights Reserved (c) Healthcare NOW 2006
Sabrina-Marie Wilson
National Media Contact
email: sabrinamariew [at] aol.com
phone: (334) 279-0551

The trailer of the new film you can use to promote H.R. 676 at your events on 6/7/6. Click it on to look at it. Then go to the next link below and purchase it for $20 including overnight postage to get it by June 5th. If you want to order a copy for a later date, just send $10.
HERE IS THE LINK: http://finisproductions.com/...
HERE IS HOW YOU ORDER IT: Just send your donation for the film to Healthcare-NOW.