Rats are more intent on slapping negatives on us than defining themselves.
The latest label for the dems is "THE OBSTRUCTIONISTS".
Works fine if we don't yell what we're for.
We all know we have more rational thinking on our side. And more of all that makes humans ok.
In response to the label of the NO Party my response is -
Democrats say YES!
YES to education for all of us.
YES to medical care.
YES to financial fairness.
YES to decency for the elderly and handicapped.
YES to respecting our allies and working with them to benefit our own interests.
YES to empathy for other nations and their expectations of us as the wealthiest nation ever.
YES to sharing all of the wealth that a cooperative society enables.
YES to embracing America as one big family.
but, we are NO sayers
NO to out-of-control corporate power.
NO to budget cuts that make the gluttonous rich even richer and the poor more desperate.
NO to executive power that shuts us up and hides its actions.
NO to leadership that chooses paranoi over peace.
NO to Winning being more important than truth.
NO to blind power.
YES to humanity.