Filling up with gas today I accidently caught some of Rush's show. He was going on about how if we'd really shown the Iraqis some "shock and awe" at the beginning (I assume he means killing a lot more civilians with the bombing) we wouldn't have the troubles with the insurgency we have today.
I guess, yes, if we killed all the Sunnis (and maybe the Shiias too, just leave the Kurds) we'd have no insurgency. He feels we're being too nice to the Muslim world.
So, let's see. There were no weapons of mass destruction, so they were no threat to the US. And according to Rush, bringing democracy to Iraq is way too nice. So he's suggesting we should have killed hundreds of thousands or millions of civilians from the air so...they'll learn not to hate us, or ...what? Or just for the hell of it?
It's astounding that such genocidal incitement is being broadcast to tens of millions of Americans. Armed Forces Radio carries Limbaugh. You think that listening to Rush's diatribes might predispose some of the impressionable 18 year-olds in the military to kill civilians?
I sincerely hope that there is a hell for this man to burn in.