To a Republican
"Star Wars"represents a means to siphon huge amounts of money over to the military. To a person in his or her middle ages or approaching that status,
The Star Wars Saga was the fairy tail of our time.
At the risk of insulting a much misunderstood Twentieth Century Mythological Figure, I have a question. Did you ever notice the fact that you never see Jabba the Hut and Dick Cheney in the same room together at the same time? What's up with that?
If Jabba is the perfect parody for "The Vice," then Bush would have to be that annoying little critter at his side. Salacious Crumb, Jabba's court jester, may be the identity George W. Bush has always been looking for.
Our Fearless Leader..
If you can't see the similarity between Cheney and Jabba read this definition from
The Star Wars Database;
The Hutts are rotund gastropods with their pudgy fingers deep in the criminal activities throughout the galaxy. They are so influential that they control the commerce on entire worlds scattered throughout the Outer Rim and elsewhere. One prominent member of this loathsome species was Jabba the Hutt.
And how about this for Salacious and Bush's separated at birth status;
The beak-nosed pot-bellied miscreant had a habit of breaking into a nerve-wracking cackle whenever the mood struck his flighty little brain. The creature had a knack for mimicry, and would pester many by constantly repeating what was said to him.
You got to admit, between Big Dicks politics and little georgie's cackle, the similarities are undeniable!
I don't think Patrick Fitzgerald would look very good in that harem girl outfit but if we can find a Princess Leia type, someone to tighten that chain around the fat neck of Big Dick Cheney, then Bush really would be a parody for Salacious Crumb. One of the most annoying little critters in the Galaxy, the lamest of lame ducks!
Isn't Harry Reid a dead ringer for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Obi-Wan: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Disclaimer; Referring to Cheney as Big Dick is in no way shape or form meant to imply that he has a large phallus. The expression Big Dick s a reflection of his demeanor. Truthfully, he has been very small since his doctors told him that Viagra and heart conditions don't mix. It is one of the many reasons he is as mean as a snake.
Actually, Salacious may be better off representing all of the Americans who voted for Bush/Cheney in 2004 because Jabba was eyeing tiny Salacious as a tasty little morsel. Big Jabba just may get his loyal subjects mixed up with the rest of his fodder.
The 49.9% who voted against installing criminals in the White House are the Ewoks, good folk just trying to live in peace and keep a low profile. Perhaps those adorable little guys are the best parody in this snark. Created in the image of George Lucas, they represent the entire Baby Boom. While just trying to exist peacefully in their little tree houses and stay out of harms way, they ignored the acts of an Evil Empire. But I fondly remember what the Ewoks did after they got riled up.
I have to say that I honestly feel that the main characters of the Star wars Sage in this parallel universe can be fond here at DailyKos. That somewhere on these pages Luke, Han and Leia can be found, showing the Ewoks the truth. This is a great place to be in the year 2005.
This week Episode III becomes available on DVD and I had a little inspiration. Those familiar yellow letters fading away in front of a deep space background that so many of us grew to love could make a nice letter to those Americans who are of a certain age and either don't care anymore or still think George W. Bush is a good guy.
When those words crawled across the silver screen in 1977, no one had any idea the power and excitement that they held as they opened up an adventure that would change Hollywood entertainment forever. That format could sway some who have forgotten.
My little essay, in the quotebox below won't receive any awards for creative writing. But in these times when escapism has so much more appeal to the masses than reality, I thought some gifted Kossak may take up the cause and create a much better one, or maybe not.
A longtime ago in a galaxy far, far away...
After the Great War there was much celebration and a great deal of children were born.
This generation would grow up to a new enlightenment. The "Woodstock Generation" would bring about great change as they sought honesty in both life and government. Peace was inflicted upon the establishment as these young found themselves. "Question Authority" became a catchphrase of the day as this generation worked diligently to establish freedom for all.
But this once great generation that spoke out against materialism, would become very quiet as they aged and became consumers. Many would forget the sins of the previous generation and allow their contemporaries to inflict the same damages on their own sons and daughters.
Those that went over to the dark side found little opposition as they grabbed all the power and proceeded to ruin and bankrupt a once great nation. An Evil Empire was created.
In the far away reaches of the galaxy (the internet) a ragtag gang of adventurers established a revolution. The Evil Emperor tried to make them go away but the internet was hard to control and owned by his biggest allies. Shutting the revolution down would be bad for business. So he fought with the vast Propaganda machine that was owned by his friends.
Finally the pain of living under the Dark Side would become so great that the people turned to these revolutionaries for answers and information. Eventually the Battle cries would be heard by the sleeping generation.
Now there is a fable for our age that just may come true!
No, but seriously folks. It took twenty-eight years for the competition of this saga that began in 1977. Back on May 15 of this year, at the premier, when Senator Amidala makes the observation "So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause" I found myself wondering how George Lucas knew, all those years ago, that the Republicans would achieve the goal of removing democracy from American politics.
Today things are looking much better in the By the People, for the people department.
Revenge of the Sith! I don't think so anymore.
We have a new Superhero in Nevada and things are looking up. I've sent many a letter to Harry Reid but never thought to start on off with "Help me Obi Wan."
May the force be with you!