I was thinking on memes that will stick to Bush, like his team has somehow managed to get "flip-flopper" (inelegant as it is) stuck to Kerry (though why people believe what they hear from an opponent's campaign ads I dunno. I tend to examine primary sources, but whatever).
The one that came to mind that's not a "so are you!" kind of thing is WEENIE. Bush has a weenie laugh, a weenie smirk, and a weenie way of posing. "All hat, no cattle" et al. He's like the little guy who acts crazier than the big guys and somehow gets their loyalty for a while. He's a puppet and a tool and weenie who does not make the decisions in the White House without Cheney's or Rumsfeld's or someone's hand up his behind.
So, I got "WEENIE BUSH". What else sounds good? or bad, more accurately?
I'll stick a poll on here later.