There have been a rise in the number of provocatures who wrap their divissive aims in a pantena of "debate" and discussion. Yet their animus and divissive tactics can often be expoosed with a little button pushing (not mention hard nose standing ones ground and use of slang).
Here is what I mean...
...push glennk1949 a little, and
lo and behold, the Aspen skiing anti-Dean smear comes out.
When Dr. Dean was skiing Aspen and you were still hangin off your Momma's tit I was fighting Nixon's goons in the streets trying to get us out of Vietnam. So you know what you can do with your self-righteous how hard I've worked stuff. Shove it!!!
Trollish internecine anti-Dean bullshit.
There are people who support other candidates, who have legitimate reasons for supporting others, or not being swayed into the Dean fold, and I can respect such differences of opinion when honest respect is forthcoming. Even as contentious as it can be, I respect most Clark supporters in particular because they see many of the same "inside the beltway" problems and are drawn to the grassroots process that Clark (as well as Dean) draw heavily from and why they are in the lead in most places for the nomination.
But when a persons "tells" (a poker term about give-away signs or signals revealing one's hand) like the "Deaniacs go sulk and pull a Nader" and "your guy will lose big" are interjected in posts, those are clear signs the person is not interested in honest discussion and should be called out as such, which (my admittedly crass) "go fuck yourself" was intended to do.
Glennk1949 is exposed.