Recently, while watching
Scarborough Country it came to my attention that that there must be foul play at hand in the Terry Schaivo case. Joe only tells the
real deal
And Carla Iyer has spoken to Terry, as I'm sure Weldon and Frist do. Meanwhile liberals think that she's in a "vegetative state", or at least real doctors do, whatever.
There can only be one answer for this disparity.
Clenis. What hospital was Bill at during his recent surgery, and more importantly, what was Clenis doing? Was a nurse watching Clenis, and was that nurse Carla Iyer? Did Clenis harm Terry, after Weldon and Frist had seen Terry?
According to Carla Iyer's sworn testimony, Terry said "help me"- was that because Clenis was poisoning Terry? Or blocking her feeding tube?
These questions may seem tough in light of the deep and sincere respect the politicians and media have show for these people's private decisions, but they need to be answered.
We have underestimated Clenis in the past, and look what happened on 9-11 and to the economy.