I just got off the phone with a poller. The conversation went something like this:
Q: How do you rate Gov Blunt? 1 to 5 5 being best
A: 1
Q: How do you rate Rep Akin?
A: 1
Q: Did you support the effort to add a marriage definition clause in the MO constitution? It meant marriage would be defined as a man a woman.
A: Did not support it
Q: Do you think we need more gun laws or better enforce the existing laws?
A: Enfore the exisiting
then we got to a more interesting question
Q: Would you say you are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
Me: What are the definitons of each?
Them: um...er....
Me: I mean what about the death penalty? Can you be Pro-Life then say it is OK to kill someone?
Them: um.... no....<silence>
Me: What about illegal wars? Taking people of life support?
Them: um.... Pro-Life I guess means anti-abortion
Me: Then I think you need to change the question to that
Them: OK... so are you?
Me: Does that include incest and rape?
Them: Nevermind... thanks for your time.
Wonder what they put my answer down as?