Yesterday, the DLC published it's own,
unsigned (why do they serve up their most vile screeds without attribution?)
version of a "fair and balanced" take on the Gore endorsement. We could dispute the general tone of the article as it relates to Howard Dean, but I was particularly troubled by this swipe:
He's (Dean's) the one candidate who's called for repeal of the No Child Left Behind education reform initiative, thrilling anti-testing zealots who don't seem to mind failing schools for poor and minority kids.
My daughter attends a public school that is heavily weighted with low income and minority children. It is a terrific school with a strong principal and (for the most part) an excellent and experienced staff.
My first comment is that Al From, Bruce Reed and the rest of the gang there at DLC headquarters need to get out into the community and dicover for themselves just what a disaster NCLB has been for schools and school systems.
They should talk with teachers at my daughter's school. And they should talk with school board members of school districts all across the country already stressed by declining state support who have to come to terms with this massive, unfunded mandate.
NCLB has been a disaster of monumental proportions. Every teacher I have spoken with at my daughter's school has railed against NCLB. These are good and dedicated teachers, many of whom have taught for 20 years or more.
But the DLC knows better, right?
These teachers and school officials are not "anti-testing zealots" as the DLC so derisively calls them. These are people on the front lines of education at the local level, trying to make a difference, one child at a time. The DLC's arrogant and condescending put down marks the DLC for what it truly is: a collection of arrogant, power-happy, know-it-alls with little connection to working class Americans.
The more I read of pieces from the DLC, the more I come to believe that they embody all that is wrong with politics in America and all that is destroying our party.
Their condescending attitudes on everything from NCLB to the Iraq situation call to mind the Reagan administration's steady message:
"Don't you worry about a thing. We know what's right for you."
The problem in this case is that they have no idea what is right for schools... because they obviously have not done their homework.
NCLB is far from a panacea that is helping poor and minority kids. And this piece's implied conceit that those arguing against NCLB don't care about these children is disgusting.
Why this organization continues to launch attacks on rank-and-file members of (supposedly) its own party is beyond me.
My sincere hope is that Howard Dean does, indeed, win the nomination. And my fervent desire (of which I and hundreds of thousands of other Democrats are working very hard to achieve) is that Dean will oust Bush in the general election in November of 2004.
Because at that time, the DLC will be rendered irrelevant.
From my perspective, they will not be missed.