Sometimes all you can give is an idea, and a venue to discuss it.
I wish I had more. Reading about our proclivity for melting the skin off of children amplifies my own feeling of helplessness.
But the evil ones have a weakness. White phosphorus, according to multiple diarists and expert Kossacks, is manufactured and stored at one place: Pine Bluffs Redstone Arsenal, in Arkansas.
Read: opportunity.
What I know of this place I know because I have Googled it, and little more. But my hunch is that a well-coordinated protest action would bring much-needed media attention to these atrocities -- not only the WP topic, but war crimes and torture in general. Several thousand people, situated outside the gates of this dark place, refusing to let employees in or munitions out, would effectively shut the facility down for a meaningful period of time.
I live in CA. I am incapable of spearheading this effort locally, but I am more than willing to contribute to its organization, promotion and execution. Assuming we can achieve critical mass, I will be there.
What we need is ideas.
And a local leader/coordinator.
And a media strategist.
And commitment from people to travel to this place, stand outside its gates, and make a stand. A stand for our country and a stand for humanity.
We cannot abide this.
We're talking about children.
Please, care enough to contribute your ideas, and your involvement.
And please recommend this diary if you'd be so kind. Without that much, this has no chance.
Thank you.
Update [2005-11-9 20:52:55 by The Termite]: I am conscious of the looming holidays. If inclined to travel for this would you prefer "between Thanksgiving and Christmas" or "after the New Year?"
Update: January 19th is a Friday. It also happens to be Robert E. Lee's birthday, and Confederate Hero's Day. This strikes me as a poetic and appropriate day to stage our action. Am I a crackpot? Is this too far into the future? Do we need to stage something smaller, sooner? Or does this have legs and lend itself to a longer planning window?