According to insider reports, Republican House leadership is refusing to support legislation that bans Genetic Discrimination.
Current law does little to protect citizens. Employers could use genetic information in employment decisions, and insurance companies could deny coverage or establish premium rates based on genetic information you provided in order to receive medical care.
This is outrageous. Why are Republicans dragging their feet on such a fundamental right? If they have legitimate concerns, why not make them public?
Who is paying the House Republicans to stop this bill?
Why does Dennis Hastert support Genetic Discrimination?
The Senate on Thursday voted 98-0 in favor of a bill (S 306) that would establish protections against genetic discrimination, CQ Today reports (Swindell, CQ Today, 2/17). Under the legislation, sponsored by Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), employers could not use genetic information in employment decisions, and insurance companies could not deny coverage or establish premium rates based on such information (American Health Line, 2/11).
A similar recent House bill, sponsored by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), had 242 co-sponsors but never made it through committee. Slaughter said she plans to introduce a new bill that will be supported by a more aggressive lobbying campaign based on the Senate vote. Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), chair of the Education and Workforce Committee, said, "We're looking at what the Senate did and reviewing the issue as we have the last three or four years. No decision has been made." An unnamed House GOP aide said party leaders want to ensure that the bill "would not launch a new mandate with unintended consequences" (CQ Today, 2/18).