Drip, drip, drip...
Most of you didn't know this (even I didn't know this), but yesterday was a day for special elections across Missouri. Currently, Matt Blunt, son of Roy Blunt (R-DeLay-a-like) is governor, and man is he ever unpopular. 36% approval rating. Now then, there were three State House seats involved in the special election. Two were in the St. Louis region, and they broke as expected. Michael Frame (D), an official with an SEIU local, won in his Jefferson-Franklin counties seat, while Dwight Scharnhorst (R) won a close one in Eureka. Those votes reflected their districts.
The one that didn't is the surprise, in that our side won. It was in southwest Missouri, in a district that Matt Blunt and Dubya had received 71% of the vote in. In a surprise to both sides, the Democrat, Charles Dake, won with 56% of the vote over his favored GOP opponent. This area is literally Matt Blunt's home area. If his party can't deliver there, they could be in a world of hurt come November.
So keep hammering. It's working.