You know how the Bush marketing team likes to put up little banners whenever Bush gives a speech or signs a bill. You know, like "Cleaning up the Environment" and "Mission Accomplished" and "Making Lots and Lots of New Jobs" and "Protecting Our Cities from Catastrophe". All that good stuff they've been doing. This is the CEO presidency, remember, and that's how big business does things. If Bush gets another term he'd probably rename his home the "Verizon Wireless White House".
--Anyway, I digress --
So today, he signed the tax cut extension; the one that makes sure that W and all of his loved ones will never have to pay their fair share of the trillion dollar Iraq war bill, or the multi-trillion dollar Bush Father and Son Deficit.
Well apparently somebody in the sign-making department made a big boo boo, or maybe they thought that falling poll numbers mean a little honesty is in order, so instead of the usual crap they put on the banner, like "Cutting Taxes for All Americans" which is of course a crock, they put the real message on it. Have a look: