Wow, so much venom on here lately. Attacking Senator Obama for simply stating his perspective on current issues. You'd think he was Bill Bennett incarnate. I'm honored Senator Obama thinks enough of this community to take the time to send such a thoughtful diary. Who do you suppose has a more accurate read of the people of Illinois concerns, the Senator himself or the far-left critics on here?
Governor Dean had his shot in 2003, running from the left and his message didn't play well in Iowa or NH. None of the current 'centrist' senators or house members ran stealth campaigns as left candidates, were elected, and then dramatically shifted positions towards the centrist camp. They ran with positions that played well in their states/districts and won. In fact, the reverse happened, with Bush running as a stealth moderate, then screwing the moderates and showing his extreme-right colors. Far left idealogy doesn't play particularly well outside of Cambridge and Berkeley. Until that changes, you're stuck with the centrists in the majority, and setting the agenda and tone.
I pray that the civil war that is currently being waged on here is simply the storm before the calm. With dedicated democrats blowing off steam and staking out positions, before coming together in a few months, united with a single focus on wresting control of both chambers from the neocons. If this isn't the case, Karl Rove is probably off doing his happy dance somewhere.