As mentioned in my
previous diary, I'm allowing people to indulge any voyeuristic tendencies they may have by observing the construction fo a performance piece I have to...have
agreed to do...on or about October 11.
This part I think goes at the beginning...
Word Wrapping
Words are powerful. Words convey meaning and meaning is the substance of ideas. Ideas can be dangerous. Or perhaps it is rather the case that some people seem to find ideas dangerous. Personally I believe in the freedom to have and voice ideas. Campaigns to limit the expression of ideas are what I find dangerous. But then, I have discovered that I am a creature destined to push limits wherever I find them.
I believe in growth of the individual. I believe that cultural restrictions on individual growth need to be examined for their purpose and challenged if that purpose is found lacking. Human beings should to be free to evolve beyond what is classified as "normal." Normality is stagnation. A human being has to grow in order to reach full potential. Such growth often stretches the limits defined by the culture on what is or is not normal.
I am not a normal human and I have not lived a normal life. What I believe is not what is normally believed by normal people. How I have lived my life is not acceptable to many adherents to the cult of normality. So my abnormality is considered by some to be dangerous. My ideas may be no less so.
For some reason the voice that surfaced from within me a few years ago has been found by some to be a voice of reason. If it were not so, I wouldn't share my thoughts as I do. I share them and my reality in the hope that something here will help someone cope with their own reality and on the off chance that something here just might lead to the world being a fundamentally better place to live.
Would you please
Lend me food?
I am hungry.
We do not know you.
You are alien.
You are not welcome.
We are normal.
Can I please
Share your water?
I am thirsty.
We own the water.
You are strange.
You cannot have any.
We are normal.
Will you then
Share your fire?
I am cold.
We need all the warmth.
You are other.
You must go away.
We are normal.
Is it too much to ask,
To be able to live,
To be able to be?
We don't like your kind.
You are different.
You make us think too much.
We are normal.
But all I want is
To live in peace,
To be happy.
You have no right to be happy.
You offend us.
You hurt us by existing.
We are normal.
I know how to love,
How to care,
How to hurt.
You are not one of us.
You don't belong.
We want you to die.
We are normal.
--Robyn Elaine Serven
--June, 1994
I let myself out of a bottle in 1992. Doing that has not been without its consequences. The foremost of those consequences has been the liberation of my thoughts. Words have come poring out. Sometimes I have captured them. If you listen, you may capture them as well...or they may capture you.
The words should not come without a warning. Contained herein is what I thought as well as what I think. In some cases, I don't think that anymore, at least not in the same way. But process is important when you are constructing a life, so I'll stand by those words as what I thought at that time and in that circumstance.
Some people have said that they think some of the words are wise. Some people undoubtedly will think that they are stupid or even dangerous because I may not think in the same way that they do. And of course some people don't think. What can I say? My reality is different from anyone else's. I can only be who I am and live my life. I can only report on what my reality looks like from my perspective. If that interacts with your reality, be prepared for consequences.
Ideas always have consequences.