An open letter to Dr. Dean from "Dr." space.
Dr. Dean, it is clear that your candidacy is a little under the weather as of late. After a thorough examination, I can assure you that your condition is serious. It can be treated but, if ignored, will likely be fatal.
First the bad news. Your illness is metastasizing. Dr. Dean, I hope you realize that your speech was far, far more damaging than your 3rd place finish - which could easily be explained by Edwards and Kerry dodging the mudwrestling match in the runup to the Caucuses.
Now the good news. I have diagnosed the disease in the early stage of your candidacy.
What is my diagnosis? Multiple personality disorder. In layman's terms, you are not the same person you were a year ago.
What do I prescribe to treat this?
- Proper breathing. Ok, this one is obvious. You need to settle down. Stop the bulging veins. When the media is calling you angry, don't prove them right. Remember, MTP? Your numbers went up afterwards because people didn't see what the pundits told them. This time they did.
- Lay off the "Red Meat". Dr. Dean, I've heard you refer to your fiery stump speeches as "red meat" for your supporters. Well, I've got to be honest here. It is a little insulting. It makes it sound like your following is a bunch of animals that you have to manipulate. Your greatest strength is your common sense approach. Does a person offering common sense wisdom need to be screaming at the top of his lungs? No. Treat your supporters and those you are wooing with respect. Ask yourself "If I was selecting a candidate how would I want that person to speak to me?" The answer is probably not "like Vince McMahon". Be a breath of fresh air not the blast of a flamethrower.
- Think positive. It is easy to get down when thinking about the Bush administration. But you need to think about the positive things that you will do after you "take back the White House". Try verbalizing those thoughts several times a day. Kill your opponents with kindness. "John Kerry has great intentions but when it comes to stopping Tom DeLay, Trent Lott, and Bill Frist he just seems to come up short."
- Remember past accomplishments. You have a wildly successful resume as a governor and doctor. Use it. The two most important issues for voters in Iowa were the economy and health care. And the voters chose Kerry and Edwards over you. Clearly, you have not been emphasizing your record enough as the Iowa voters preferred two people with no executive experience and little legislative success in these areas.
- Get some exercise. What happened to the Howard Dean that would go down to Texas and run attack ads against Bush in his own backyard just for kicks? It is time to go on the offensive...but against Bush again. Every week Bush and the GOP announce a new whopper. A budget busting space program dreamed up by Karl Rove to suck money out of global warming studies. A new way to drag their heels on a government investigation. Defunding of a critical program. Changing a critical regulation. Be the guy who points these things out -- but, for God's sake, at a reasonable decibel level. And point out that Kerry and Edwards are in Washington now and (despite the best of intentions) have not stoppped these things.
- Stop talking to yourself. The off the cuff remarks about what your campaign is going to do have to end. Personally, I have no problem with you speaking off the cuff on policy matters. Despite the pundits initial reactions, you will end up being proven right and the voters will respect your straight-talking manner. But political tactics and strategy are for your internal monologue. Talking openly about targeting Southerners over the flag or God is a big mistake. Stay loose and natural on issues but every statement issued by your campaign on the horse race part of the campaign needs to be thoroughly gone over.
- Act confident. "Outsider" good. "Insurgent" bad. Remember, YOU are the person with the executive experience. YOU have balance budgets. YOU have provided health care coverage. And YOU saw through the Bush administration's deceptions and incompetence when others didn't. YOU have the power, Dr. Dean. Start acting like it. Stop acting you are just hitching a ride on a people powered wave. Yes, it is good to get people to feel involved. But at the end of the day, they have to pick a candidate. Start acting like the person with the most experience and start acting surprised that anyone would question that a governor should be the front runner.
If you follow "Dr." space's 7 step program you will be healthy and cruising to victory in November.