If you thought Abu Ghraid was just for insurgents, think again.
The U.S. Military is currently rounding up Journalists including those from such subversive groups as Rueters and CBS and holding them at Abu Ghraid.
This link only reports on nine, the military acknowledges seven. How many others are there?
(more below the fold)
There is no constitutional right of free speech, or a right to a speedy trial in Iraq, so they appear to be only arresting non-U.S. Citizens. There are 17,000 acknowledged prisoners currently being held in Iraq.
(AFP) - US and Iraqi forces are holding without charge nine Iraqi journalists working for international news organisations, on suspicion of aiding insurgents, the US military said.
The local journalists working for seven Western news organisations are currently detained with "some having been held for several months", said Colonel Steve Boylan, a spokesman for US forces in
The US military is believed to be holding two AFP journalists, though US officers could only confirm the detention of one, recently transferred to the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad.
Reporter Ammar Daham Naef Khalaf was detained on April 11 by US soldiers who, according to his family, searched his home in Ramadi, 100 kilometres (60 miles) west of Baghdad
If your thinking they must have some basis for these arrests, think again.
Iraqi police in the city of Mosul released a Reuters Television cameraman and his father on Wednesday, after holding them for 11 days without charge, Reuters said.
Think of all the trouble they have to go through here to silence the media.