There is something we need to talk about. It's that 800 pound gorilla sitting in the middle of the room, dressed in a red Speedo. No one wants to look at it, much less talk about it. After all, it is an 800 pound gorilla and could do a lot of damage to the room if it gets all riled up.
The power of the Gorilla that no one wants to talk about is immense. It forces us to watch our language, couch our opinions and rush to condemn anyone who does want to bring up the subject of the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the middle of the room.
I'm just going to whisper now, so you've got to lean close. If the Gorilla hears, it will go into a hysterical rage with shouts of `anti-Semite!' and worse. You don't need to take my word for it.
For instance, as soon as the other "N" word crops up as it so often does in impolite conversation as we castigate and ridicule an opponent for being fascist or draconian or a criminal against humanity, the Gorilla begins to shout, "hey, you can't use the `N' word to discuss that subject. The `N' word can only be used against the "Ns" who murdered all of us during the holocaust. To use the `N' word in any other context is to disrespect our suffering and persecution."
Another `for instance' was the other day, during the John Conyers hearing when ex-CIA man Ray McGovern gave his opinion that America went to war in Iraq for O.I.L. which stands for Oil, Israel and Logistics (a large military footprint in the Middle East to project American power; i.e. PNAC.
Well the Gorilla screamed so fast and so loud that even the great anti-War man himself, Howard Dean called Mr. McGovern's point of view `anti-Semitic.' Never mind that the only Semitic people in the world today are Arabs.
Apparently it's okay to go to war for Oil and Imperialism, but to dare suggest that Israeli interests had anything to do with anything, is well, anti-Semitic, which, of course is code for anti-Jewish.
I think we can all agree right here and right now that being anti-Jew is the same as being anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, anti-Muslim, anti-Hindu or anti-any other religious belief. It is bad and wrong.
And here is the thing. The Gorilla has nothing to do with Judaism. The Gorilla uses Judaism, much as the Religious Right uses Christianity.
The Gorilla of course is Zionism; a political movement, not a religion.
And, of course, not all Jews are Zionists.
This diary is not about discussing the politics of Zionism, but how Zionism shuts down the discussion of Zionism by invoking the bogeymen of anti-Semitism, anti-Jewry, anti-holocaust believer and even anti-Christian. Jesus was a Jew, after all.
In order to have a real discussion and debate about American foreign policy in the Middle East, we have to be able to discuss the politics of Zionism and Israel without fear of being labeled anti-religion.
One thing we can do, as many here at KOS have suggested, no matter how juicy the rhetorical power, is to not bring up the `N' word. As others have pointed out, the `N' word is the end of any conversation.
Another thing we can do is not talk about Israel as a monolith as many politicians want to talk about the `American People.' The Israeli people are diverse with as many anti-war, pro-peace Jews as there are Temple Mount extremists - and a full spectrum between.
Criticizing the Government of Ariel Sharon is not the same as castigating the Israelis. Just as it's the government of George Bush that is hated worldwide and not the American people (I hope and pray.)
We need to use the "Z" word for what it is - a political movement whose cause has the effect of de-stabilizing the entire Middle East region.
It is no secret that the Zionists as part of their strategic agenda wanted war with Iraq, Iran and Syria.
If I were a Zionist, I would too. But as an American, I question the wisdom of Zionist politics. But also as an American in America, one quickly discovers you'd better do your questioning in private or certainly not in front of the TV cameras.
The Zionist Lobby in America has co-opted both political parties with their money and bully pulpit.
As a matter of fact, the Zionist Lobby is now under espionage investigation against the United States. How ironic is that; spying on your best friends?
We must find a way to break this juggernaut of `political correctness.'
We can be pro-Israel, while being anti-Zionist.
But it is up to our leaders; our supposedly fearless leaders to lead the way. Who will stand up? Who will be a friend to Israel, while not bowing to Zionism? Will any of those pols in the recent KOS poll for our 2008 Presidential candidate?
Methinks not.
The politics of Zion are dragging our country into a tragedy of Biblical proportions; if they haven't already. Who will pick up the sling of David to hurl against the 800 Pound Gorilla of Zionism?