The shameless charade gripping the nation over just ONE person's death at the exclusion of anyone else's is appalling. So many people die every day. Why is this ONE person's life more important than anyone else's.
To mobilize a voting bloc of Republican groupies
Shame on You Karl Rove and your Republican strategists
Exploiting Terri Schiavo's condition is all about helping the Republican party Win at all costs
This does not represent the culture of life, it represents the culture of betrayal and exploitation
Using the tragedy of a family and then giving the parents a false hope, that somehow the Messiah President of the United States can rush in and save her by Congressional action in the middle of the night is a betrayal of the worst kind.
Using this families personal tragedy for political gain is what I would call a real sin. Fomenting the people on the religious right with lies about MIchael Schiavo's character is a sin.
Using the news networks to help perpetuate these lies is a betrayal of the public airwaves.
Wake up people. While all this is going on the balance of powers, between the judiciary, the Congress and the executive branch is leaning more and more towards pure federalism. The federal government is garnering more and more power over our private lives, while pulling away funding to the states. The states and individuals have less control and less money.
After this Easter repreive for Congress, brace yourself for the fight of our lives in regards to judicial nominees.
The Schiavo case is just a warm-up for these pro-life hate groups call against judicial activism.
This Administration is about Winning at All Costs and the Terri Schiavo case is a perfect example of the lengths they are willing to go to.
Terri Schiavo may you rest in peace
And to the family I am sorry for your betrayal by these cold and calculating politicians that hide behind the cloak of life and compassion for purely political gain.