Back to the McClellan files... I was looking through the transcripts of Scott McClellan's press gaggles/conferences, and something started to stand out: an effort by McClellan to "define" the President beginning with the words "The President is someone..."
So far...
The President is someone that is forward-looking.
The President is someone who asks tough questions and makes tough decisions to make America more prosperous and our world more safe, and to make our world a better place.
And the President is someone that will continue to remind members of Congress that there are remaining big challenges that face this country...
The President is someone who believes in the right of all people to freely express their religious views.
The President is someone who does everything he can to bring people together to get things done.
The President is someone that is an inclusive leader and he talks to a variety of groups from across the political spectrum and reaches out to people from all walks of life.
It seems to be more prevalent in the past few weeks - wonder if that is due to a unwitting reliance on the same terms by McClellan or a strategic effort by the PR folks at the White House.