I read a beautiful
diary about San Fransisco a while ago. I was moved to follow the advice of this
diary and send a letter to Bill's affiliate stations and advertisers.
To whom it concerns:
I understand that you advertise while Bill O'Reilly is on the air.
Bill O'Reilly's comments leave me outraged and disgusted. I am at a loss of words. Inciting violence on our beloved American city of San Francisco is utterly disgraceful.
His comments were in response to a measure of a city whose citizens were trying to protect their children from being killed for no reason, as the war in Iraq has no supportable justification. O'Reilly's inflexible and ignorant personality accuses those who do not support every aspect of the American military of being terrorists. Such an accusation reduces debate, the debate of an easily supportable idea in my view, to intellectual infancy. The pundit demonstrated his inability to understand the nuance of the measure passed by the brave people in San Francisco. Bill O'Reilly's statements evidence a man bent only on inciting hatred and resentment based on an intolerant idea that disagreement with his narrow viewpoint is treason.
The irony in such an idea is self-evident.
I love freedom of speech. I'm not advocating suppressing a man's ideas, no matter their depravity. Nevertheless, you have to understand that O'Reilly will have the same effect on those who endorse him as Bush has on the Republican party. If you back a man who calls for the death of Americans, you will lose support from rational people. When you put your ear to the rail you will find that people are calling for boycotts of O'Reilly advertisers. These are the choices Americans make to protect their children.
Jason X
New York City