There have been several diaries today that document the smears that republicans have been using against Democrats. While reasonable discourse is preferred there are times and ways to keep the debate equalized.
It is time to use stronger terms to counter the ongoing smear. If we let the neocons steal the language of the debate once again then we are lost.
Ideas on the flip
We have traditionally tried to elevate the tone of the debate, and I fully support that, but at some point the vicious attacks have to be countered.
The thing to remember is to use language carefully. Using words that are commonly considered profane does not help, but carefully crafted terms do.
Here are some that I like.
Always attach 'Extreme', 'Radical', or 'Reactionary' to the word 'Conservative' or 'Repubican'
Emphasize the sylable 'Con' in neocon.
And I'm about to start using this: "Better Dead than Red" And if the radical republicans get their way I just might be.
Before you ask, how would I feel if someone described me that way? Well, they already have, they currently are, and are likely to continue, and it makes me mad. Mad enough to turn the tables on them.