I'm watching Bush's press conference (pain enough right there).
He's talking about the Palestinian elections.
My mouth is hanging open as he's talking about the results. I can't believe he just said this. Daily Show, Crooks and Liars - you gotta get it.
I'm paraphrasing here since I don't have an actual transcript. But, here's the part that just floored me. Proof positive that the man has no idea what's coming out of his mouth or is just too arrogant to care:
Speaking of the victory of Hamas in the election, Bush was trying to explain is as a result of people responding to Palestinian domestic issues. He pretty much said this (I'll update when I see a transcript somewhere):
"If there's corruption, people will vote to remove corruption. If there's incompetence, people will vote in response to that."
Corruption and incompetence.... Ring any bells for anyone?
So, Dear Leader said it - it's legitimate for voters to change governmental leadership in response to corruption and incompetence.