What you're seeing is a long and extremely viciously fought effort to resist the progression of time and thinking and enlightenment and evolution of our country and our world and the availability of knowledge of the lessons learned through the lives and experiences and studies and mistakes of humanity and the application of that knowledge.
They've angrily fought enlightenment and change and the huge progressive accomplishments of the last century. They want to be in control instead of letting debate go on and letting the best ideas prevail. Fear and greed are their motivation. Practicality goes out the door as they come back again and again with the same old ideas which have failed repeatedly before, wrapped in a new coat of bullshit. And the bullshit is the key this time around.
They've been working on the packaging and that has been their success. Reagan is seen by millions as a great president. Evil empire. Operation just cause. Contract with America. Axis of evil. No child left behind. Every one a little turd sandwich wrapped in a package with a picture of a tasty morsel and lots of tiny print. They have exploited the American system and the American concept of advertising and developed the most amazing sales pitch ever at huge cost - amazing cost - and whenever possible used their control of our government to get the money to fund it. They use your taxes and mine to shine up a shit sandwich and feed it to us. The people in there now are doing it right out in the open - with impunity. And they funnel the money to their friends and supporters. They're all marching to the same beat and chanting the same creed. The majority of these shysters, having grown fat and rich on their scam, will just slink away to enjoy the fruits of their labor when the whole pile of shit collapses because the masses have finally been fucked to death. And they're likely to avoid accountability and prosecution for their vicious and greedy actions and the damage they've done to our beloved country and the rest of the world.
With the slight deviation from their plan provided by the short tenure of Bill Clinton a small amount of progressive thought shined through and the lot of the masses improved slightly. From day one bush has worked to reverse those advances and then set about to destroy all the other advances of progressive thought of the last century and set the clock back to before the depression when money and power ruled, and they've shifted into overdrive in their effort by the use of our government to exploit the rest of the world for their personal gratification and profit while also subverting our democracy to perpetuate their control. And the most horrifying part of it is that they were never legitimately elected, their every action a crime, the result of a successful subversion of our vote. When you look at the core of the bush syndicate, cheney, rove, rice, the dreadful and abrasive karen hughes, you can see the smug self righteousness and the contempt for the thought of being accountable to the ones most adversely affected by their actions. Their power should be unquestioned. Their ideology should be the rule and never mind if it doesn't work for you. What worries me is that there's no one in the government shouting in the streets to expose it and none of the players are talking about working to reverse the damage even if they acknowledge the damage being done. And no one in the government is talking about holding the perpetrators accountable.
These people have turned our capitol into a den of thieves, and it's time to overturn the tables and drive out the money changers and along with them the others that have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the crimes against humanity - crimes against Americans and the rest of the world - of the bush syndicate and all the other "conservatives" of the last 35 years. And intensive investigations should be done of everybody who has profited from this crime.
We need an interim government to restore order and enlightenment and truth in advertising and to guide and oversee the truth and reconciliation commission - cooler heads to prevail - and they can't come from the current system if we're going to get back on track. We need the next American Revolution. Who will be the new founding fathers?