I am a Dean Democrat (hate the term Deaniac), so don't flame me over this. Quite frankly, Howard Dean shits out stuff with more honor and integrity than Reagan ever had.
That being said, I was looking at steve gilliard's blog, where he had a post titled "No more of the same" in which he called for extensive change (yea!!) to the DNC, and implied lots of personnel changes (YEA!!!!).
He also said:
People who think Dean should wait until '08 are living in a fantasy world. He will no more have a chance in 08 than he did in 04 if the same people run the party. They will preclude a Dean candidacy as sure as rain falls from the sky. The only way for Dean's principles to dominate the party is for him to run it.
I made the following comment:
As to his being unnominatable in 2008 due to the party structure, look at the history of the Republican party.
(more below the fold)
Reagan was every bit as toxic to the Republican party regulars following his challenge to Ford in 1976 (remember Schweiker and the misery loves company motion).
That being said, if Dean Democrats want to take over the party, they simply have to TAKE OVER THE PARTY.
I remember stories all through the late 70s of Reagan Neanderthals taking over local and state Republican committees.
THIS is the best activity for Dean Democrats to focus on over the next 4 years.