Having read
Granmere's excellent improve-the-community post and nearly every comment, I'd like to offer a possible solution.
Create a DailyKos Journal that is updated by an editorial board of selected trusted users from the pool of submissions.
One ground rule:
* Only essays will be considered
An example of what I'm thinking about exists in the ePluribus community.
This rule leaves room for thoughtful personal opinion pieces, for policy editorials, for investigative pieces, for action-plans and strategy pieces; and for researched citation-laden enduring news story commentary.
And okay, perhaps a single policy should be declared up-front. Anyone is eligible to submit an essay. This would not be a journal in the sense that it has a set stable of columnists.
The Trusted User Editorial Board would serve to filter the hasty reactions, the appeal-only-to-emotions, the "breaking," the GBCW "speeches," and such diaries as this one.
In short, by expanding the definition of the DailyKos community to include not only a daily newspaper but a weekly journal, we can keep the "daily" state of the nation tenor of Kos and at the same time, institute an updated-once-a-week online blog publication that, combined, offer a more thorough perspective on the liberal end of the political spectrum.
To me, this seems like a win-win solution, more satisfying to all. And I believe, such a journal would enhance DailyKos' gravitas within the Democratic Party organization and Progressive political arenas.
For grassroots activists and their online organs to be most effective, accommodation must be made for the strident headliners as well as the more considered in-depth examinations of the issues and concerns facing the current Party Out of Power.
This is especially true if our purpose, whether as interested "on-lurkers" or vocal participants in the debate, is to effect a change to that label and make Democratic and Progressive government the Power in Power.
Why not take it to the drawing board? We can make it so.