Maybe the SCLM are finally getting the message...?!
"President Bush's sinking standing with the voters has become a source of concern for the White House and GOP officials.
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The president scheduled his State of the Union speech to come one day after the Iowa caucus in a bid to deflect attention from the Democrats. But his speech was widely viewed as a disappointment, and it failed to boost his standing in the polls.
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The president's rationale for going to war has been seriously undercut by former U.S. weapons inspector David Kay, who has declared Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. White House officials had expected Kay to fade into the woodwork when he left his post, but that hasn't been the case. Kay has testified before Congress and granted several media interviewrs.
- and - (for me) - they "money shot" !
The economy has lost more than 2 million jobs since Mr. Bush took office, giving him the worst job creation record of any president since Herbert Hoover. Analysts say monthly payroll gains of 300,000 or more are needed for sustained job growth, and the economy remains far from that mark.