Yesterday 276 Kosmopolitan authors posted 316 diaries, of which 3 were later withdrawn, 274 were recommended at least once by a cadre of 1615 recommending readers, 67 diaries were recommended by 10 or more readers, 19 by 30 or more.
The first 100 or fewer diaries with impact > 0.085 are shown below, sorted by number of recommendations.
Recommendations and comments were collected at 6:00 AM Aug 26; diaries posted less than 24 hours before that remained open for recommendation at that time. The last registered uid was 62610 to GloriaSmith.
Thu Aug 25 00:00:00 2005 - Thu Aug 25 23:59:59 2005
DailyKos diaries = 316; 316 per day; 13.2 per hour
Active Kosmopolitans: 1792
Exclusive Authors: 177; Author/Readers: 99; Total Authors: 276
Exclusive Readers: 1516; Author/Readers: 99; Total Readers: 1615
Diaries: posted 316, withdrawn: 3, remaining: 313, recommended {1: 274, 10: 67, 30: 19}.
Impact total: 32.1
NB: Rankings and numbers of diaries are based on a best effort to comprehensively collect and count all user diaries posted to, including those later withdrawn. Titles shown will not reflect changes made later. For an updated discussion discussion of how this list was generated see the diary How to make a list of recommended diaries: a Reprise.
Please bring any errors to my attention -- jotter