For the better part of his five years in office, President Bush and his administration have skirted the law and disregarded our Constitution.
On Saturday December 17, he admitted to it by stating that he had ordered the National Security Agency to conduct an electronic eavesdropping program in the United States without first obtaining warrants. Furthermore, his acknowledgement that he would continue such activities shows that he is a man that believes he is above the law--a dangerous stance for a leader and one echoed by Sadam Hussein during his recent trial.
I believe this admission of guilt and promise of continued illegal actions should be the impetuous for our representatives to take a stand against a man and an administration that are stealing our freedom and rights from us--all as they lie to the world that we are undertaking an occupation in Iraq to bring these same freedoms to the Iraqis. This stand must start with impeachment proceedings against all involved with this breech of our basic rights given to us by our Forefathers; rights that we have to protect us from leaders such as the ones drunk on power that run the country today.
It is time to bring an end to this tyrannical reign and I hope that our representatives--regardless of party--will finally put the Constitution and the rights of Americans before party, special interests and profit.