It appears that the GOP will come up with the votes to block the Dubai port deal for going into effect,depsite the Bush threat to veto any negative vote to kill this deal. First of all,I oppose this deal not because it is an Arab company,but because it is crony capitalism at its worst.
Make no mistake about it the GOP is going to kill this deal I believe because they are scared to death.....of losing the elections this fall,thus the faux bluster about the port deal. It is real easy for them to oppose this deal because they can pretend to show their base that they are tough on "Arab terrorists" whether or not the country in question is a terrorist state or not. Yes,there are questions about whether or not Dubai is or is not a terrorist state. There is also the hand of Karl Rove here who is letting the GOP Congress pretend that they are actually opposing Bush. It,like everything else they do is a fraud. They are looking to scam the sheep into believing that they are actually concerned about security.
All the GOP is concerned about is retaining their majortiy in the Congress in 2007. We need to tie this fraud around the throats on the GOP in 2006,and the culture of corruption.