This is a caucus report from Minnesota 5th district, Ward 10, precinct 7. It was my first caucus. The following numbers are from memory and are approximate.
- Kerry (approx)
- Kucinich (!)
- Edwards
- Dean
I was suprised Kucinich ran so strong here; He had more support than I thought. But this is the urban core in one of the Democrat's safest Congressional districts (Sabo).
Thirty-five senate district delegates were selected. There was no subcaucus required (we had to recruit people to fill the 35 slots). I am an SD delegate.
A number of resolutions passed, including one for instant runoff voting, voter-verified electronic voting, anti-Hate Amendment, ending homelessness...
I thought the resolutions were the most interesting. I signed up to be on the resolution committee for the senate district convention.
The Dean revolution continues. We will take back the party.