Thank God the Iraq Death Toll did not rise overnight from it's hideous toll of 518 aready.
But there are a few other things to talk about concerning the Cretin-in-Chief.
Mr. Bush? Yes YOU, Mr. Bush...
I am a part owner in America, Mr. Bush. A 'stockholder' if you will...
I, however, am not what you would call in corporate terms a 'proxy' voter. I cast my own ballot thank you very much, I don't cede my rights to 'management'.
When you were up for CEO of America in 2000... well, I didn't think you were qualified. Your resume, with all due respect, left quite a bit to be desired.
I did not cast my ballot for you. I wanted the other guy, along with the majority of the people who cast ballots in the 2000 management selection process, strangely called an 'election'.
But... some 'executive committee' somewhere liked you. And they got a 'Federal Court Order' that put you 'in charge' of our over 225 year old enterprise.
Frankly, you have done a lousy job since then... in fact, you have confirmed all my misgivings.
The 'Financial Report' looks bad, real bad. What I read looks bad enough. But I can't even really 'trust the numbers', if you know what I mean, Mr. Bush. All those accounting scandals and bankrupt subsidaries leave me wondering just where else 'the numbers' might be 'cooked' as it were.
You expend resources 'like a drunken sailor' and the enterprise doesn't have much to show for it, except for some fat bonuses to some cronies on your 'executive committee'. Well, there is that ruinous debt that will last until long after I have passed my stock to my children. I can't really say you are doing much for 'stockholder value', Mr. Bush.
You have been presiding over closing down a lot of operations in America and shipping them to foreign locations. Now that destroys our customer base. Who is going to buy our products if they don't have any money? And with no earnings to speak of, just how is that debt I mentioned going to be paid off? Not real smart, Mr. Bush.
And your benefits plans, well they don't seem to benefit anybody but people on your 'executive committee'. That phony deal with prescription drugs is ridiculous, you are actually making prescription drugs more expensive? And outlawing cheaper alternatives? Why is that, Mr. Bush?
Your policy regarding worker education and training is pretty short-sighted too. By making it harder for workers to get educated in the first place or re-trained in new skills you are lengthening the time-to-market for these workers. Once again, you are jacking up costs. Not so good, Mr. Bush.
Some people say you are a 'nice guy', Mr. Bush. But I don't see it. You seem to be rather foolish in the way you use our 'security department'. Why did you send them on a 'wild goose chase' for toxins and things in an overseas operation when there is so much that needs to be secured right here in America, Mr. Bush?
So, for these, and many other reasons, Mr. Bush, I will not be supporting you as you seek another term as CEO of America. You have no judgement or management skills that I can detect. Our enterprise will require all the skills of far more talented people than yourself just to 'clean up your mess'.
Maybe you should seriously consider another line of work, Mr. Bush. You certainly have no talent in large enterprise operations.
And for several of the more questionable actions you have engaged in... I suggest you retain legal counsel.