From CNN, a
story about a potential terrorist making ricin for nefarious uses. What Muslim plot is this? See below
Steven Michael Ekberg, 22, had at least 83 castor beans and other byproducts consistent with the manufacture of ricin in his possession, the FBI said.
Ricin is a poison that can be made from the waste from processing castor beans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The former waiter also had several weapons, including an AK-47 and an Uzi, the FBI said.
Ekberg was taken into custody Wednesday night.
He is being charged with possession of a biological weapon.
According to a local paper, it appears that the authorities were picking him up on a gun charge. They searched his house and found a suspicious white powder. In Florida, that's not usually ricin, but these cops were smart enough to let the lab figure that out.
Here's a picture of this sad sack. Meet the real biological weapons terrorist - white, young militant assholes. Now why are we still listening to Cheney and Bush tell us about the global network of terrorists seeking WMDs, when they are here in our back yard?