These is some things I came across on my Yahoo page, and had to comment on. The rant was saved for last Read On>>>>>>>>
In this day and age, it sickens me that we as a democratic republic would have to even , have to debate on wether or not to extend the Voting Rights Bill of 1965. After all aren't we the country that is going around the world, preaching against racism, and hate, spreading democracy around the globe,
so that O. B. G. Y. Ns are free to love their female patients, oops wrong speech.
In a speech at the, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum Secretary of State Gonzales said, that the administration supports the renewal of [parts] of the act, but would not say what parts. He also said that the President is committed to the basic ideals in the act. Which means that this bill is the farthest thing from his mind.
"Pork on the Hill"
The Senate passed the Highways Bill, and as much pork that was loaded in that bill, would have made it to heavy to travel on the country's highways. This bill had even more personal projects two years ago when it was first introduced, that even Bush was going to veto it, And we know how much bush loves to spend our money.
The projects in the six-year, $286.4 billion highway and mass transit bill passed by Congress last week range from $200,000 for a deer avoidance system in Weedsport, N.Y., to $330 million for a highway in Bakersfield., Calif.
"Egregious and remarkable," exclaimed Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., about the estimated $24 billion in the bill set aside for highways, bus stops, parking lots and bike trails requested by lawmakers.
McCain, one of only four senators to oppose the bill, listed several dozen "interesting" projects, including $480,000 to rehabilitate a historic warehouse on the Erie Canal and $3 million for dust control mitigation on Arkansas rural roads.
It seems the only real good guys Two conservative Republicans from Arizona, Jeff Flake and John Shadegg, wrote Young asking that the $14 million the committee was allotting to each House member for earmarks be sent instead to the state transportation department
The Bill is H.R.3
"Bush Finds He Likes Recess Appointments"
(It's like being a dictator)
First there was Bolton, and now the President has used another recess appointment to put Peter Cyril Wyche Flory to be assistant secretary of defense for international security policy. Flory's nomination has been floating around for a little over a year now.
The White House announced Flory's appointment yesterday along with several others. Flory's nomination was held up by Senator Carl Levin Democrat of Michigan. Senator Levin has held up the nomination because he has ask for documents on Flory, and the White House has refused to release them to Senator Levin. Why do Bush nominees always have things to hide?
Flory's appointment comes one day after another highly controversial recess appointment, the John Bolton appointment to the United Nations. Bolton's nomination was held up for many reasons, the biggest was that the democrats felt his appointment, would hurt the already weakened credibility of the US.
Levin who also is the ranking democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has also blocked approval of Bush's nomination of Eric Edelman to succeed Douglas Feith as undersecretary of defense for policy.
Levin has demanded documents from the Defense Department on intelligence involving Iraq. Levin and other Democrats have accused Feith's office of manipulating information to support the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
"Roberts Echos Bush"
Roberts echoed the views of President Bush in describing his judicial philosophy. Roberts said that he views the role of judges as "limited" and that they "do not have a commission to solve society's problems, as they see them, but simply to decide cases before them according to the rule of law."
In a questionnaire released yesterday according to the Washington Post, John G. Roberts indicated that he was the first person interviewed for the position on the Supreme Court. He met with President Bush in April, and then with 1 Pork Chop Boy, in May( V.P. Cheney) . Which as I said, Bush would not have put him up not knowing he thinks like him. Now that's a scary thought.
"Documented Torture"
(Without saying Torture)
The media is getting very artful at reporting on the military prison sandals. In the article I read in the Washington Post, the reporter never mentioned the torture once, in reporting on Torture Anyway, the article was on the innovative way that the military comes up with extracting information. The so-called new way they did it was by rapping them up in a sleeping bag and beating them so they can't see what's coming next. Here is an excerpt from the article.
It was inside the sleeping bag that the 56-year-old detainee took his last breath through broken ribs, lying on the floor beneath a U.S. soldier in Interrogation Room 6 in the western Iraqi desert. Two days before, a secret CIA-sponsored group of Iraqi paramilitaries, working with Army interrogators, had beaten Mowhoush nearly senseless, using fists, a club and a rubber hose, according to classified documents
The solider that did this remembered that his brother did this to him growing up, that's spooky, but if you ever played "Release The Belgium" It was a game that actually let you come up with ways to torture.
"Another Sad Day In Iraq"
(But aren't they all?)
Today, 14 Marines were killed buy a roadside bomb, also killed was a civilian interpreter The Washington Post is calling this the deadliest attack of the war. The Marines killed today are from Brooke Ohio the same group that the 8 marines killed Sunday were.
Today a Military expert, admitted that the US does not have enough troops in Iraq to occupy, and hold off the insurgents strong points. [ you know it's bad when the right wing media is starting to back-off their support of Bush's invasion ] I predict that Fox News tonight will find some good that came out of thisand a reason to stay in Iraq. Which brings me to >>>>
"ABA607s Take on Things"
To start off with as in most modern day uprisings the electronic media is voicing their opinions and the are on the side of the Right-wing Neo-cons. They are helping divide the country to the point of civile war. You say, No they are not. ABA, you are way over the top on this one. Yet I don't think I am, and here's why.
Walk down the street and wear a billboard that says "I am a Liberal Democrat." I almost guaranty you that you will get, some dirty looks, and some of the people will want to take your head off.. Next call a political talk show, now you have to tell them you are a liberal, and you will be shot down before you get the point out, and if they let you say anything, you will be called, unpatriotic, a baby killer, and a wack-o. But they will call in to continue bashing you for hours after you hangup. This administration with the help of , Rush(limp balls) Limbaugh, Sean(hand me the money) Hannity, Michael(I'm an ass) Savage, and even, Allen (the punching bag) Colbmes have taken the word democrat and liberal, and waged a war between the liberals and the neo-cons, over stupid issues, Same sex marriage, womens rights, and the dumbest thing ever to come out of any elected officials mouth, "Your either with us or against us." But that's just me, and I am ABA607.
Do you agree that we can not ever hope to hold Iraq with the number of troops on the ground.