Media News Monday is a compilation of media news from the past week posted on Monday. Media is an integral part of politics, and I think that it's important to get to know media and media innovation in order to forecast future ways of campaigning, targeting voters, and disseminating information. If any of you are interested in campaigning, this weekly diary may help you with ideas. It is also important to keep up with right wing corporate media (RWCM) news. If you have any media news to add, please do so.
Previous edition: June 6, 2005
For more previous editions, search my diaries.
Now for the news from the past week posted today, June13, 2005:
Note: I'm going to put a %%% next to things that are more interesting or go into things more in-depth. Those links/stories that get singled out are obviously must-reads, so I don't bother with the %%%.
Those Who GET IT!
Horgan Spanks Press for Lazy Coverage of Bush WH
Forthcoming Book
Attack the Messenger: How Politicians Turned You against the Media, by Craig Crawford Crawford works for Congressional Quarterly and has made appearances on Countdown. He's one of the better inside the beltway type people, since he calls it as he sees it more often than others.
Media Bitchslap of the Week
The one thing, from a strategic point of view, that HRC has going for re: 2008, is that her people know how to fight back. From the NYP: "[Ed Klein's] next work ought to be 'The Truth About Me: I Write Trash for Cash'" - Clinton spokesperson Philippe Reines, on allegations in "The Truth About Hillary." link
Really important Questions for the RWCM
Time to call a spade a spade WaPo's Dan Froomkin:
When is it time to start referring to Bush as an unpopular president? When his approval ratings are solidly below 50 percent for at least three months? Check. When his approval ratings on his signature issues are in the red? Check. When a clear majority of Americans say he is ignoring the public's concerns and instead has become distracted by issues that most people say they care little about? Check.
Stop the Partisanship of Public Media
Ex-GOP chair considered for public broadcasting's top job
Advertising Article of the Week
In the inaugural MNM, I wrote that I'd be focusing on media innovations, research studies, marketing and advertising. I try to post as many stories as possible that have some tie to politics. Of late, there hasn't been much, but this week brings us an important one. The entire thing is worth reading, but here's a snippet:
Culture Wars Call on Madison Avenue
WASHINGTON Individual executives have long lent their advertising talents to advocate their favorite causes or promote their preferred candidates-on their own time. Agencies as a whole, however, have generally shied away from working on advocacy or political accounts, in large measure because of the risk of alienating big clients who might hold different views.
But America's culture wars are changing the way clients seek help on hot-button issues. Where advocacy groups once turned to political consultants, they are now asking mainstream shops for ideas-and at least some are willing to give them. Meanwhile, political consultants, who once shunned the touchy-feely creative approach of Madison Avenue shops, are partnering with mainstream agencies on controversial issues.
Joe Trippi, a political consultant who handled Howard Dean's presidential bid, said advertising has become a new form of lobbying, and a lot can be learned from both sides. "Political communicators can learn a hell of a lot from a large shop that has more experience in demographics and testing," Trippi said. "You rarely get $100 million accounts in politics."
Headlines Gone Wrong
"Guantanamo Bay Prison Could Close, Bush Hints" (Washington Post)
"Rumsfeld Says Guantanamo Isn't Being Considered for Closing" (New York Times).
For the record, it appears the NYT headline is the accurate one.
Guarded Cheers to ABCNews
It has been airing exclusive reports about North Korea. I don't know how accurate the reports are, but it took hard work to get the access. More international coverage from the media is a must. Let's hope it is accurate. On how ABCNews got access to North Korea.
Pro-blogger or anti-blogger?
An issue in White House Correspondents Association race
Understatement of the Week
CNN overdid Jackson trial coverage, its president says Ya think? The only news coverage of this that I can stand is from Countdown or TDS. At least that coverage acknowledges the absurdity of it all every once and awhile.
CNN Embarrassment of the Week
The week is not complete without CNN fucking things up royally. Is the fight over John Bolton about principles or politics? Yes or no.
Excellent point
Ron Rosenbaum complains that everyone's celebrating Deep Throat as if he "solved" Watergate. "This is the real scandal for journalists: Amidst the orgy of nostalgic self-congratulation that the Mark Felt revelation has prompted, it seems to have been forgotten that journalists have abandoned the most basic crime-reporter responsibility -- pin down whodunit." Who ordered the break-in?
HEY! Paging Jonathan Klein!
Why have you been sllllloooowww as molasses in covering the Downing Street Memo?
When Klein says that CNN needs to go back to hard news, the first thing he could do is ask some tough questions re: the DSM. Don't make yourself a liar, Mr. Klein.
Kinky sex luvvver Jack Ryan Buys Some Newspapers
(Hotline) Ex-IL SEN candidate Jack Ryan (R) "wound up buying the Homerian newspaper in Homer Glen last year." And he "has now bought his second paper, the Frankfort Station, in Frankfort." Ryan: "It's my chance to do good and do it well. When I worked for Goldman Sachs, I did it well. But I don't know whether a lot of good was done. And when I worked as a teacher at Hales Franciscan, I did a lot of good, but the salary was certainly not much." More Ryan: "Our papers will have a police blotter, but we aren't doing investigations. There's a lot of good out there and we intend to emphasize it. We even have an adopt-a-pet section." Ryan also notes: "I'm not running for election, but I am still trying to help Republicans get elected" (Sneed, Chicago Sun-Times, 6/10).
Media Personalities
RWCM Watch
Notes & News on Programming & Specials
State of the Media, Trends, Research Reports, Innovations
Ratings, Circulation, & Ad Revenue Strength:
For more RWCM watch & Media News:
Penndit's News, Media News, and RWCM Watch Links. I get the advertising, public relations, targetting voters information, and media research from a variety of sources other than the links above.
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Cross-posted at Penndit.