Clinton announces that he is donating 10 million dollars to the worldwide effort to protect children from the AIDS pandemic.
Can we only hope that as according to this diary we will see Bush personally raise another 10 mil to be just like Bill?
Bush's chances of being like Clinton begin and end with the fact that they happen to have the same job.
Bush will never understand what it's like to not be rich and handed everything you ever wanted.
Nor will he understand the problems that some children face just because they were born on a continent that was forgotten by the industrialized world.
He certainly won't understand the needs of small business owners because he was handed large operational businesses as opposed to starting from the ground up.
He absolutely does not understand the pain of those who suffered from the Tsunami because he sent others there to inspect. While he sat at his ranch.
He will never realize how out of touch with every other country in the world he is because he never went to any of them before he became president.
The idea that Bush could ever be "Clinton-like" is the most laughable thing I have heard from a "reputable" news source in a long time. I can not remember either of the Bushes EVER taking a personal interest in raising money to help anyone less fortunate than themselves. Unless you count tax cuts for millionaires who have made less than them.