I did not see it myself, so I won't characterize her appearance. I'll let those who saw it report what they saw in comments. (I've read others who report that she advocated killing the Senate HCR Bill and then hawked her petition). However, here is Jane Hamsher's own opinion of Democrats who go on Fox News.
Fox is not a news outlet, it’s an openly partisan opinion factory and the Democrats should not be legitimizing them (and allowing them to recruit Democratic viewers to propagandize to) by doing this.
I suppose Jane's answer to this blatant show of hypocrisy is that she's not a Democrat and therefore this rule doesn't apply to her. I would welcome that answer, because I think it's about time she admitted expressly and explicitly that she is not a Democrat.
Update [2009-12-22 12:9:11 by pontificator]: Here is the video from the Fox News website.