Sarah Palin the teabaggers "Pitbull in Lipstick" had a banned list at her latest book signing in Alaska. The number of reporters and bloggers on the list are unknown. But two prominent bloggers; Shannyn Moore(Just a girl from Homer) Gryphen (Immoral Minority) and Dennis Zaki a videographer and reporter from Alaska Report were on the banned list.
Wasilla Police escorted them off the property.
The event was held at the famous Wasilla Sports Complex, this excellent diary tells "that" story: from October 2008.
As reported on Gryphen's blog "Immoral Minority" He and Dennis Zaki were photographed when they entered the Wasilla Sports Complex; Then police escorted them off the property.
"My first hint that something may be wrong down in Who-ville was when I was asked for my ID, not once, but twice. Then as Dennis and I were about to sign in, and the lady behind the desk took our picture with a little digital camera! WTF? I have never had anybody do that before at any other event that I attended as a media representative. I wondered why there was such tight security, unaware that my question was only seconds from being answered.
Almost as soon as I had my picture taken I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around and came face to face with a local police officer who quickly apologized and then informed me that I was on the "banned list".
"I am on the WHAT list?" I asked.
"The banned list sir, I am going to have to escort you off of the property. This is a private event."
Sarah Palin entering her book signing;
Palin originally "tweeted" that this would be a public event. The police officers insisted it was a private event, and the complex was rented out by none other than Rupert Murdoch's "Harper Collins"
What happened to those 1st amendment rights you are always "yakkin" about Sarah.
Oh that's right I forgot, that is only for those who love "freedom"
*** UPDATE**
Shannyn Moore has her say; quite funny!